Determining Strategic Interventions

The Full Picture
Bringing the various analyses together provides this overview of the
in economic activities.
The THEE-Tree diagram shows:
- The distinctive forms of Level-by-Level choices.
- The ethical aspect of each Level.
- Whether the choice is political [P], rational [R] or balanced [B].
- The influences of Centre choices on each other (or not).
- A provisional naming of the Channels.
Prosperity is important to political stability, and politics has an intimate and natural connection with prosperity. Analyses of politics provide a deeper and more direct understanding of political choice, governmental solutions and citizen participation.

Many of the identified problems derive from politics in its current manifestation. The focus here has been:
prosperity from the viewpoint of Government,
politics/government from the viewpoint of prosperity.
If you consider government from the perspective of politics and prosperity, you will discover something rather different. See the details and pictures as the
is developed. It is derived from the .Improving matters is difficult because:
- our political institutions are immature;
- opinion-forming debates and academic discussions have no common frame of reference;
- too many are either living off government (i.e. off other people) in some countries, or are effectively disenfranchised in others.
How Intervention Goes Wrong
The core of government influence: Strategic Intervention (L4B) interacts with 8 of the 9 other Centres. The single Centre not directly affected is L1-importance of wealth-creating activities. And that is the Centre that counts. Because the meta-economic system is inherently complex, quick-fix knee-jerk reactions by governments are likely to cause more harm than good. Simple obvious solutions often worsen the problem they were designed to cure.
See the Picture:

needs more attention. Provision of examples should be able to improve this framework and assist its application.-
Examine Politics further.
Originally posted: Q3-2009